
Showing posts from April, 2023
NAME: MUHAMMAD NUR IQMAL BIN ABD KADIR. STUDENT ID: 2023173223 LECTURE: MUHAMAD ZAHID BIN MUHAMAD DATE: 24/3/2023 TIME: 9.00am LOCATION: Online class TOPIC: Briefing and introduction about FPA100 INTRODUCTION: This is the first meeting between students DPIM sem1 and lecturers. OBJECTIVE: 1.Inform students group's lecturers in this semester. 2.Brief the lesson plan. 3.Share the video assignment scrips and guideline that given by lecturer. ACTIVITY 7.50 a.m. = link google meet and streaming given 8.00 a.m. = all students join the google meet. 8.10 a.m. = Sir Zahid as the speaker start the meeting session after all preparation. 9.30 a.m. = end the first meeting. WEEK 2 DATE : 31/3/2023 TIME : 9.00 LOCATION: FARM INTRODUCTION: All students semester 1 go to farm briefing and land selection OBJECTIVE:   1. Introduction for student 2. Introduction for equipmen ACTIVITY: 7.00 a.m. = exercise and tack a hoe. 8.00 a.m. = Lecturer and PE intro about function equipment...