week 4 : DATE: 14/4/2023 TIME : 8:00 am-10:30 am/7:00am-9:00am LOCATION : Farm TITLE : -Plowing,Liming,Seed germinate and Lining. INTRODUCTION : -This week we start the day by plowing the soil using manual and mechanical methods. next, we make liming to naturalize the soil. finally, lining is an activity that needs to be done to make the plant border. TOOLS : Plowing:Hoe and Tractor. Liming:wheelbarrow and chalk Lining:Rope and measurement tape. Seed germinate:Seed and Tray. Challenge : 1.Hot weather. 2.Hard ground. OBJECTIVE: 1.makes the soil fertile and it is easier to grow crops. 2.make planting more regular. 3.can divide the crop area. ACTIVITY: 1. 7:00am-morning exercise. 2. 7:20am-take tools. 3. 7:30am-go to farm. 4. 7:40am-division of tasks on the farm. 5. 7:45am-start the given task. 6. 11:000am-End fieldwork. PHOTO:
Showing posts from July, 2023
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WEEK 7 DATE: 12/5/2023 TIME: 8:00 am-9:30 am/8:00 am-11:30 am LOCATION: Farm TITLE: R epair drainage and mulching . INTRODUCTION: -I n this week 7 we don't have much work to do, except that we only repair some water drainage that doesn't work well. next, we look for weeds to make mulch above the planting bed . OBJECTIVE: 1.Avoid stagnant and overflowing water. 2.Avoid plants exposed to direct sunlight ACTIVITY 1. 7:00am-Morning exercise 2. 7:20am-Take tools 3. 7:30am-Go to farm 4. 7:40am-Start to do task given by lecturer 5. 11:00am-End fieldwork CHALLENGE: 1.Erratic weather. 2.Hard ground. 3.Limited fronds and weeds. TOOLS: 1.Machete 2.Hoe PHOTO:
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WEEK 13 DATE :7/7/2023 TIME : 8:00 am-9:30 am/8:00 am-11:30 am LOCATION: Farm TITLE: Land clearing INTRODUCTION: -Return the soil to its original condition by leveling it OBJECTIVE: 1.land preparation ACTIVITY: 1. 7:00am-Morning exercise 2. 7:20am-Take tools 3. 7:30am-Go to farm 4. 7:40am-Start to do task given by lecturer 5. 11:00am-End fieldwork GHALLENGE: 1.Hard soil 2.U npredictable weather TOOLS : 1.Hoe PHOTO:
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WEEK 12 DATE :23/6/2023 TIME : 8:00 am-9:30 am/8:00 am-11:30 am LOCATION: Farm TITLE: Harvest INTRODUCTION: -Separate crops according to maturity level and costing. OBJECTIVE: 1.Separate the long beans 2.Weight the harvested crop ACTIVITY: 1. 7:00am-Morning exercise 2. 7:20am-Take tools 3. 7:30am-Go to farm 4. 7:40am-Start to do task given by lecturer 5. 11:00am-End fieldwork GHALLENGE: 1.Delay transportation 2.Quality degradation TOOLS : 1.Scissor 2.Gardening Gloves 3.W heelbarrow PHOTO: COSTING:
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WEEK 11 DATE :16/6/2023 TIME : 8:00 am-9:30 am/8:00 am-11:30 am LOCATION: Farm TITLE: Watering INTRODUCTION: - Water the tree to make the tree more fertile and keep the soil moist OBJECTIVE: 1.Watering crop 2.Maintain soil moisture ACTIVITY: 1. 7:00am-Morning exercise 2. 7:20am-Take tools 3. 7:30am-Go to farm 4. 7:40am-Start to do task given by lecturer 5. 11:00am-End fieldwork GHALLENGE: 1.Over watering 2.U npredictable weather TOOLS : 1.Watering can PHOTO:
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WEEK 10 DATE : 9/6/2023 TIME : 8:00 am-9:30 am/8:00 am-11:30 am LOCATION: Farm TITLE: Apply NPK and tagging INTRODUCTION: - The tagging process involves using labels to provide content with additional information. Tagging is primarily used to make information easier to find or link to , and there's a difference between blog tags and social media tags. - In short, fertilizers are labeled N, P or K to indicate their nutrient content in terms of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) . All three are important for plant growth. OBJECTIVE: 1. we put tagging on the ground 2. we put npk to plants ACTIVITY: 1. 7:00am-Morning exercise 2. 7:20am-Take tools 3. 7:30am-Go to farm 4. 7:40am-Start to do task given by lecturer 5. 11:00am-End fieldwork GHALLENGE: 1.Expensive steel prices 2.U npredictable weather TOOLS : 1.Machete 2.Hoe 3.Exe 4.W heelbarrow PHOTO:
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WEEK 9 DATE : 3/6/2023 TIME : 8:00 am-9:30 am/8:00 am-11:30 am LOCATION: Farm TITLE: P esticide management INTRODUCTION: - P utting pesticides on our plants to prevent them from being attacked by pests. OBJECTIVE: 1. P rotect plants 2. P roduce quality plants ACTIVITY: 1. 7:00am-Morning exercise 2. 7:20am-Take tools 3. 7:30am-Go to farm 4. 7:40am-Start to do task given by lecturer 5. 11:00am-End fieldwork GHALLENGE: 1.Expensive steel prices 2.U npredictable weather TOOLS : 1.Machete 2.Hoe 3.Exe PHOTO:
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WEEK 8 DATE : 26/5/2023 TIME : 8:00 am-9:30 am/8:00 am-11:30 am LOCATION: Farm TITLE: Weeding and Tree stake INTRODUCTION: - I n the 8th week we remove the grass and weeds are bordered and put up stakes. OBJECTIVE: 1. Avoid insect and diseases 2. H elp the growth of long beans ACTIVITY: 1. 7:00am-Morning exercise 2. 7:20am-Take tools 3. 7:30am-Go to farm 4. 7:40am-Start to do task given by lecturer 5. 11:00am-End fieldwork CHALLENGE: 1.Erratic weather. 2.Hard ground. 3.Limited fronds and weeds. TOOLS: 1.Machete 2.Hoe 3.Exe PHOTO:
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WEEK 7 TITLE: R epair drainage and mulching . INTRODUCTION: -I n this week 7 we don't have much work to do, except that we only repair some water drainage that doesn't work well. next, we look for weeds to make mulch above the planting bed . OBJECTIVE: 1.Avoid stagnant and overflowing water. 2.Avoid plants exposed to direct sunlight ACTIVITY 1. 7:00am-Morning exercise 2. 7:20am-Take tools 3. 7:30am-Go to farm 4. 7:40am-Start to do task given by lecturer 5. 11:00am-End fieldwork CHALLENGE: 1.Erratic weather. 2.Hard ground. 3.Limited fronds and weeds. TOOLS: 1.Machete 2.Hoe PHOTO:
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NAME: MUHAMMAD NUR IQMAL BIN ABD KADIR. STUDENT ID: 2023173223 LECTURE: MUHAMAD ZAHID BIN MUHAMAD DATE: 12/5/2023 TIME: 8:00 am-9:30 am/8:00 am-11:30 am LOCATION: Farm TOPIC: Briefing and introduction about FPA100 WEEK 7 TITLE: R epair drainage and mulching . INTRODUCTION: -I n this week 7 we don't have much work to do, except that we only repair some water drainage that doesn't work well. next, we look for weeds to make mulch above the planting bed . OBJECTIVE: 1.Avoid stagnant and overflowing water. 2.Avoid plants exposed to direct sunlight ACTIVITY 1. 7:00am-Morning exercise 2. 7:20am-Take tools 3. 7:30am-Go to farm 4. 7:40am-Start to do task given by lecturer 5. 11:00am-End fieldwork CHALLENGE: 1.Erratic weather. 2.Hard ground. 3.Limited fronds and weeds. TOOLS: 1.Machete 2.Hoe PHOTO: WEEK 8 DATE : 26/5/2023 TIME : 8:00 am-9:30 am/8:00 am-11:30 am LOCATION: Farm TITLE: Weeding and Tree stake INTRODUCTION: - I n the 8th week we ...